
Об авторах

J. Chappellaz
Лаборатория гляциологии и геофизики окружающей среды Гренобльского университета

O. Alemany
Лаборатория гляциологии и геофизики окружающей среды Гренобльского университета

D. Romanini
Лаборатория интердисциплинарной физики Гренобльского университета

Е. Kerstel
Лаборатория интердисциплинарной физики Гренобльского университета

Список литературы

1. Alemany O., Mityar H. Viscosity and density of a two phase drilling fluid. Annals of Glaciology. 2007, 47: 141–146.

2. Berger A., Loutre M.-F. Insolation values for the climate of the last 10 million Years. Quaternary Science Reviews. 1991, 10: 297–317.

3. Berger A., Li X.S., Loutre M.F. Modelling northern hemisphere ice volume over the last 3 Ma. Quaternary Science Reviews. 1999, 18: 1–11.

4. Bintanja R., van de Wal R. S. W., Oerlemans J. Modelled atmospheric temperatures and global sea levels over the past million years. Nature. 2005, 437: 125–128.

5. Chappellaz J., Brook E., Blunier T., Malaizé B. CH4 and δ18O of O2 records from Greenland ice: A clue for stratigraphic disturbance in the bottom part of the Greenland Ice Core Project and the Greenland Ice Sheet Project 2 ice cores. Journ. of Geophys. Research. 1997, 102: 26547–26557.

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7. Engel G.S., Drisdell W.S., Keutsch F.N., Moyer E.J., Anderson J.G. Ultrasensitive near-infrared integrated cavity output spectroscopy technique for detection of CO at 1.57 μm: new sensitivity limits for absorption measurements in passive optical cavities. Applied Optics. 2006, 45: 9221–9229.

8. EPICA Community Members One-to-one coupling of glacial climate variability in Greenland and Antarctica. Nature. 2006, 444: 195–198.

9. Hönisch B., Hemming N.G., Archer D., Siddall M., McManus J.F. Atmospheric carbon dioxide concentration across the Mid-Pleistocene transition. Science. 2009, 324: 1551–1554.

10. Iannone R.Q., Kassi S., Jost H.-J., Chenevier M., Romanini D., Meijer H.A.J., Dhaniyala S., Snels M., Kerstel E.R.T. Development and airborne operation of a compact water isotope ratio spectrometer. Isotop. Environm. Health Studies. 2009, 45: 303–320.

11. Jouzel J., Masson-Delmotte V., Cattani O., Dreyfus G., Falourd S., Hoffman G., Minster B., Nouet J., Barnola J.M., Chappellaz J., Fisher H., Gallet J.C., Johnsen S., Leuenberger M., LouLergue L., Lüthi D., Oerter H., Parrenin F., Raisbeck G., Raynaud D., Schilt A., Schwander J., Selmo E., Souchez R., Spahni R., Stauffer B., Steffensen J.P., Stenni B., Stocker T.F., Tison J.L., Werner M., Wolff E.W. Orbital and millenial antarctic climate variability over the past 800000 years. Science. 2007, 317: 793–796.

12. Jouzel J., Masson-Delmotte V. Deep ice cores: the need for going back in time. Quaternary Science Reviews. 2010, 29: 3683–3689.

13. Kawamura K., Nakazawa T., Aoki S., Sugarawa S., Fujii Y., Watanabe O. Atmospheric CO2 variations over the last three glacial-interglacial climatic cycles deduced from the Dome Fuji deep ice core, Antarctica using a wet extraction technique. Tellus. 2003, 55: 126–137.

14. Kerstel E.R.T. Isotope Ratio Infrared Spectrometry (Chapter 34). Handbook of Stable Isotope Analytical Techniques. Еd. de P.A. Groot. Elsevier, 2004: 759–787.

15. Kerstel E.R.T., Iannone R.Q., Chenevier M., Kassi S., Jost H.-J., Romanini D. A water isotope (2H, 17O, and 18O) spectrometer based on optical-feedback cavity enhanced absorption for in-situ airborne applications. Applied Physics. 2007, 85: 397–406.

16. Lisiecki L.E., Raymo M.E. A Pliocene-Pleistocene stack of 57 globally distributed benthic δ18O records. Paleoceanography. 2005, 20. doi:10.1029/2004PA001071.

17. Loulergue L., Schilt A., Spahni R., Masson-Delmotte V., Blunier T., Lemieux B., Barnola J.M., Raynaud D., Stocker T.F., Chappellaz J. Orbital and millennial-scale features of atmospheric CH4 over the past 800,000 years. Nature. 2008, 453: 383–386.

18. Lüthi D., Lefloch M., Bereiter B., Blunier T., Barnola J.M., Siegenthaler U., Raynaud D., Jouzel J., Fischer H., Kawamura K., Stocker T.F. High-resolution carbon dioxide concentration record 650,000-800,000 years before present. Nature. 2008, 453: 379–382.

19. Morville J., Romanini D., Chenevier M. Dispositif à laser couplé à une cavité optique par rétroaction optique pour la détection de traces de gaz (in French). Patent n° PCT/ 2 830 617. Université Joseph Fourier 2003. Grenoble, France.

20. NorthGRIP Project Members High resolution record of Northern Hemisphere climate extending into the last interglacial period. Nature. 2004, 431: 147–151.

21. Parrenin F., Paillard D. Amplitude and phase of glacial cycles from a conceptual model. Earth Planetary Science Letteres. 2003, 214: 243–250.

22. Petit J.-R., Jouzel J., Raynaud D., Barkov N.I., Barnola J.M., Basile I., Bender M., Chappellaz J., Davis M., Delaygue G., Delmotte M., Kotlyakov V.M., Legrand M., Lipenkov V.Y., Lorius C., Pépin L., Ritz C., Saltzman E., Stievenard M. Climate and atmospheric history of the past 420000 years from the Vostok ice core, Antarctica. Nature. 1999, 399: 429–436.

23. Raymo M.E., Liesicki L.E., Nisancioglu K. Plio-Pleistocene ice volume, Antarctic climate and the global δ18O record. Science. 2006, 313: 492–495.

24. Suto Y., Saito S., Osada K.I., Takahashi H., Motoyama H., Fujii Y., Tanaka Y. Laboratory experiments and thermal calculations for the development of a next-generation glacier-ice exploration system: Development of an electro-thermal drilling device. Polar Science. 2008, 2: 15–26.

25. Talalay P.G., Gundestrup N.S. Hole fluids for deep ice core drilling: a review. University of Copenhagen Report. Copenhagen, 1999: 120 p.

26. Tziperman E., Gildor H. On the mid Pleistocene transition to 100 kyr glacial cycles and the asymmetry between glaciation and deglaciation times. Paleoceanography. 2003, 18; doi:2001PA000627.

27. Vimeux F., Masson V., Jouzel J., Stievenard M., Petit J.R. Glacial-interglacial changes in ocean surface conditions in the Southern Hemisphere. Nature. 1999, 398: 410–413.

Дополнительные файлы

Для цитирования: Chappellaz J., Alemany O., Romanini D., Kerstel Е. ПОИСК ДРЕВНЕЙШЕГО ЛЬДА ДЛЯ ПАЛЕОКЛИМАТИЧЕСКИХ ИССЛЕДОВАНИЙ: НОВАЯ ТЕХНОЛОГИЯ ВЕРИФИКАЦИИ ПЕРСПЕКТИВНОСТИ ВЫБРАННЫХ ПУНКТОВ БУРЕНИЯ. Лёд и Снег. 2012;52(4):57-64. https://doi.org/10.15356/2076-6734-2012-4-57-64

For citation: Chappellaz J., Alemany O., Romanini D., Kerstel E. THE IPICS «OLDEST ICE» CHALLENGE: A NEW TECHNOLOGY TO QUALIFY POTENTIAL SITES. Ice and Snow. 2012;52(4):57-64. https://doi.org/10.15356/2076-6734-2012-4-57-64

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