Влияние наледей на развитие русловой сети (наледный руслогенез)



На месте образования крупных наледей подземных вод меняется эродирующее свойство сквозных водных потоков и резко активизируются криогенные процессы – подземное льдообразование, пучение грунтов, термоэрозия и термокарст. В результате русло реки разбивается на ряд мелководных рукавов, гидрографическая сеть приобретает продольно-сетчатый рисунок, дно долины расширяется и выполаживается. Рассмотрены особенности сезонного развития процессов и стадийность преобразования русловой сети и наледных участков речных долин в целом. Выделено пять типов гидрографической структуры наледных полян.

Об авторе

В. Р. Алексеев
Melnikov Institute of Permafrost Studies, Siberian Branch of the RAS, Yakutsk; Sochava Institute of Geography, Siberian Branch of the RAS, Irkutsk

Список литературы

1. Alekseev V.R. Icings as a factor of valley morpholithogenesis. Regionalnaya geomorfologiya Sibiri. Regional geomorphology of Siberia. Irkutsk, 1973: 89–134. [In Russian].

2. Alekseev V.R. Paragenesis of icings and ground ice. Materialy Glyatsiologicheskikh Issledovaniy. Data of Glaciological Studies. 1989, 65: 81–86. [In Russian].

3. Alekseev V.R.Landshaftnaya indikatsiya nalednykh yavleniy. Landscape indication of icing phenomena. Novosibirsk: Nauka, 2005: 364 p. [In Russian].

4. Belokon’ P.N. Inzhenernaya gidravlika potoka pod ledyanym pokrovom. Engineering hydraulics of flow under ice cover. Moscow – Leningrad: Gosenergoizdat, 1950: 160 p. [In Russian].

5. Gorbunov A.P., Ermolin E.D. Relief forming role of icings in Tien Shan and Pamirs. Naledi Sibiri i Dalnego Vostoka. Icing of Siberia and Far East. Novosibirsk: Nauka, 1981: 160–166. [In Russian].

6. Derpholz B.G. Voda vo Vselennoy. Water in universe. Leningrad: Nedra, 1971: 224 p. (About icings see p. 123–124). [In Russian].

7. Kolosov D.M. On icing phenomena as a geomorphologic process. Problemy fizicheskoy geografii. Problems of physical geography. V. 4. Moscow: USSR Academy of Sciences, 1938: 125–134. [In Russian].

8. Koreysha M.M. Formation of injection ice in streambed alluvium of icing parts in river valleys of Suntar-Khayata Range. Materialy konferetsii. Materials of the conference, April 1969. Moscow: PNIIIS, 1969: 121–123. [In Russian].

9. Maydel G. Journey in the north-eastern part of Yakutsk region in 1868–1870. V. 2. Translation from German. Sankt-Petersburg, 1896: 309 p. (About taryn see p. 1–30, 283–299). [In Russian].

10. Middendorf A.F. Puteshestvie na Sever i Vostok Sibiri. Journey to the North and East of Siberia. Pt. 1. North and East in the nature-historic regard. Section 3. Climate of Siberia. Sankt-Petersburg, 1862. (Sections “Icings and ice valleys” – p. 414–428; “Geographical distribution of freezing soil” – p. 466–477). [In Russian].

11. Petrov V.G. Naledi na Amuro-Yakutskoy magistrali. Icings along the Amur – Yakutsk main line. Leningrad: USSR Academy of Sciences, 1930: 177 p. [In Russian].

12. Pod’yakonov S.A. Icings of Eastern Siberia and causes of their formation. Izvestiya RGO. Proc. of Russuan Geographical Society. 1903, 39: 305–337. [In Russian].

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14. Romanovsky N.N., Afanasenko V.E., Koreysha M.M. Dynamics and geological activity of giant icings in Selennyakh tectonic hollow. Vestnik MGU. Geologiya. Herald of the Moscow State University. Geology. 1973, 6: 52–74. [In Russian].

15. Fotiev S.M. On role of icings in the formation of morphology of icing sections in river valleys. Geokriologicheskie usloviya Zapadnoy Sibiri, Yakutii i Chukotki. Geocryologic conditions in Western Siberia, Yakutia and Chukotka. Moscow: Nauka, 1964: 111–114. [In Russian].

16. Chalov S.P., Ivanov V.V. Formation of many branches of a river in regions with icings. Trudy of 6 konferentsii. Proc. of 6th conference. Moscow: Institute of Water Problems of RAS, 2004. [In Russian].

17. Shvetsov P.F., Sedov V.P. Gigantskie naledi i podzemnye vody khrebta Tas-Khayskhtakh. Giant icings and underground waters in Tas-Khayskhtakh Pange. Moscow – Leningrad; USSR Academy of Sciences, 1941: 81 p. [In Russian].

18. French H.M. The Periglacial Environment. London and New York: Ljngman, 1976: 309 p. (About icings see p. 68–69).

19. Heldmann J.L., Pollard W.H., McKay C.P., Andersen D.T., Toon O.B. Annual development cycle and associated perennial spring activity on Alex Heiberg Island, Canadian High Arctic. Arctic, Antarctic and Alpine Research. 2005, 37 (1): 127–135.

20. Olszewski A. Icings and geomorphological significance exemplified from Oscar II Landand Prins Karls Forland. Acta Universitetis Nicolai Copernici. Geographia. V. 16. Nauki Matematyczno-Przyrodnicze. 1982, 51: 91–122.

21. Romanovsky N.N. Nalodzie jako zjawisko peryglacjalne. Czasopisne. Geogr. 1974, 45 (4): 473–484.

Дополнительные файлы

Для цитирования: Алексеев В.Р. Влияние наледей на развитие русловой сети (наледный руслогенез). Лёд и Снег. 2013;53(4):95-106. https://doi.org/10.15356/2076-6734-2013-4-95-106

For citation: Alekseev V.R. Influence of icings on river aufeis fluviogenesis. Ice and Snow. 2013;53(4):95-106. https://doi.org/10.15356/2076-6734-2013-4-95-106

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